...in which heterosexual men are taught that their attraction to women is a deep-seated need for acceptance and bonding from women which has become sexualized, and they're instructed to seek healthy bonding with women in completely non-sexual ways and carefully control their sexual thoughts while trying to focus on men and see men's sexual attractiveness and just try dating men as they feel ready, try expressing physical affection or even kissing these men as they become more comfortable with the idea...
...of the actual average length of same-sex relationships vs. non-marriage mixed-sex relationships, along with what proportion of each were strictly monogamous, emotionally monogamous but sexually open (possible? That's a whole other post), or both emotionally and sexually open (non-monogamous but labeled as "committed").
...of how many people who support gay marriage also support another significant alternative marriage arrangement: plural marriage. How many who politically support gay marriage oppose plural marriage, and what is their reasoning behind their views?
...on correlation between big spoon preference and traditionally "masculine" identity.
Note: you know how I mentioned I have a crapload of posts waiting to be published? Yeah, this is one from 27 May 2009. I think I'll start going back and popping some of these out here and there for the heck of it, whenever it tickles my fancy.
All I can say is bring on the gay polygamy! ;)
I have read a study like the first one you mentioned. You can find it in the Journal of When Hell Freezes Over.
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