06 February 2011

Lesbians do it better?

A friend recently directed my attention to an article discussing a study in which researchers actually found that young adults raised by female same-sex partnerships actually did better academically and showed fewer behavioral problems than those raised in mixed-sex-couple-headed homes. I'm sure those opposed to gay parenting will tell you there are all kinds of "explanations" for this that have nothing to do with two women being anywhere near as good for children as one woman and one man, and it's probably too small a sample to be statistically significant...not that such arguments have ever stopped "pro-family" groups from cherry picking statistics when it works in their favor...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My take on this is how can you go wrong with two mothers, what with all that nuturing, unconditional love and support, hands-on help with school projects .... it's a no-brainer!!