05 February 2008

Since My Candidate Is Gone...

If the race ends up being between Obama and Romney, I'd be interested in and open to either candidate.

Between Clinton and Romney, I'd probably go for Romney.

Between Obama and McCain, I may go for Obama.

Between Clinton and McCain, I'm moving to Canada for four years. I'll send postcards to the rest of you suckas.


Abelard Enigma said...

I'll probably vote for the republican candidate whoever it might be; but, if it ends up being Huckabee or McCain then I'll stay in the US, but I might develop a drinking problem so that I can remain in a drunken stupor for the next 4 years.

Craig said...

But won't your family (and all that is good and holy) fall apart if you move to canada? I mean, they allow (gasp) gay marriage!

Scot said...

Between Clinton and McCain, I'm moving to Canada for four years

…where they have socialized medicine and mandatory gay marriage for all [cue sinister minor chord]

Tara said...

I'll join you in Canada if the last option occurs. Oy vey...

Josh said...

McCain and Clinton, you go to Canada. If McCain wins, would that make you a draft dodger?